Reactivate an expired or archived survey

Reactivating an expired survey

An expired survey is an active survey that reached its end date. It's possible to extend the duration of your survey by changing the end date for a future date.

To do so:

  1. From the fast access bar on the left, select the "Micro surveys" module.

  2. Click the action buttons on the right of your survey and chose "Change end date".

  3. Apply necessary changes and click "OK" to confirm.

Reactivating an archived survey

It's not exactly possible to reactivate an archived survey. However, you can create a duplicate and send that copy as a new survey. Answers will be cumulated separately, each in their respective survey.

To do so:

  1. From the fast access bar on the left, select the "Micro survey" module.

  2. Select the "Archived surveys" tab.
  3. Click the action menu on the right of the survey and select "Duplicate".

  4. Name your duplicate and click "OK" to confirm.
  5. Click the action menu on the right of your new survey and select "Edit".

  6. Make modifications, if need be, and don't forget to save them !

    To learn how to send out your new survey, click here.

