Why is there unusual activity on my links?

There can be several reasons why you're observing unusual activity on the links in your emails. First, some anti-spam filters or security tools may automatically click on all links in the emails they scan. This helps detect malicious content or suspicious links before the email reaches your subscribers' inboxes. In this case, a large number of clicks may come from a single domain or a series of similar addresses, which can skew your statistics.

Additionally, if bots are involved, they may interact with your links without your actual subscribers clicking on them. While these actions do not result in genuine engagement, they can significantly impact your sending statistics. To reduce this type of anomaly, your subscribers can add you to their secure address book.

An additional confirmation step has been implemented to prevent unintentional changes to sensitive actions in the following processes:

Confirm my unsubscription

This measure helps counter actions or clicks made by bots or anti-spam filters, while maintaining a simple and accessible process for subscribers.
